Sunday, March 6, 2011

I am in love with my Smart Phone

So my first mobile phone was a bag phone that stayed in my car and was mainly there for emergency purposes, phones have come a long way since then. Now they are these mobile pocket computers. I can still make phone calls, but I can do so much more. I can keep a calendar, read my email, search the web, find a local restaurant and get directions, scan bar codes to compare prices and now with evernote I can read files from my phone.

So now I carry my desktop with me in my purse, and what I find really amazing, I like reading on my phone better than my computer. Most sites and apps adapt the width and size of text to optimize it for reading. It is so easy to read, I find myself waiting to read things on my phone. Recently my daughter has required many trips to the doctor and Children's Mercy, so I have had a lot of time in waiting rooms and car trips (my husband drives so I can study) and my phone has been incredible. I can hardly wait until Warrensburg gets high speed internet, pages load so quickly when we are in the city. Of course, if I am in a wifi zone, it is awesome.

It also has an incredible camera and video. I used to carry a separate point-n-shoot camera, but now I don't have to because my phone does such an incredible job. And if we think about it, so many news outlets now depend on eye witness accounts taken with phone video. And even though I don't have an iPhone, my android phone is just as awesome, and in a way I am glad I am learning that operating system, since I have an iPod touch and iPad.

So if we embrace this technology and teach our students to use it for more than just texting, there is a world of educational possibilities. There is even a site called Wiffiti that lets you send text to a cite that can then be displayed, what a way to bring technology into the classroom and let students use this powerful tool they have in their pocket.


  1. That's so cool that you have all those great features on your phone. I have the Charm from Tmobile and it has a lot of the same capabilities. I love it! I agree with your last paragraph when you say that we can use it for more than just texting. Very true!

  2. I just got an iPhone when Apple hooked up with Verizon, I get a much better Verizon signal than AT&T. I haven't used an Apple product in about 5 years and SO much has changed so I needed it for educational purposes too! I just can't say how cool I think it is and how excited I am to play with it. I agree about the reading books on it, every time I can get a few minutes to myself I, like at the park the other day when my daughter was digging I read a few pages. It was so cool.

  3. I am still one of the few people I know that do not have a data package on my cell. It bugs me at times - but somehow I am getting by! Can't wait to be as "connected" as all of you!

  4. I am with Jamie. I don not have a smart phone. Sooner than later I hope to have one. I see teachers use them in the classroom to connect to resources. I not sure about the iPhone. It seems that I would be getting a lesser tool. Apple people love their products. I haven't used a Macintosh since the '90's but I liked them then compatibly was a problem. Now with iPhone it is the opposite, I need my PC to be Apple compatible.

  5. I have an Android phone and love it. It's so nice when we go to London for example and I don't have to bring the GPS. I am also a huge foodie and it's great when I'm standing somewhere to ask Google where the nearest restaurants are and read reviews on them before I walk in. Right now I am using the iPod for Emma to not only play games but keep track of her chores and also practice math, reading, and even guitar. She was practicing her left hand chords on the iPod while driving around through France. Jovie loves it. She learned her ABC from a signing video but I use the iPod to reinforce it by playing ABC quiz games. It'll flash 4 different letters and the voice would say: Show me A. It as after the iPod that I knew for sure which letters Jovie knew even though she started recognizing them at 18-mo. She's 21 mo and knows A-Z, a-g, and some colors and shapes.

  6. Welcome to a tech addiction!! I was the exact same way when I first got my Crackberry!! I still have a regular berry, but when I can, I will upgrade to a touch screen berry. I dunno why, I just really like the Blackberry OS. My hubby likes the android stuff, which is funny because he says "google is the devil" and I am addicted to all things google!!
